"If you come to a fork in the road, take it!!"

Yogi Berra

June 13, 2009

For Better or Worse -- Part One

Four years ago I enhanced my spirit by listing more than 40 ways in which behaviors had changed for the better -- personally, locally, nationally, and elsewhere in the world. As an "update," I present some more recent gains for our humanity and other living things!

  • The use of less invasive surgery techniques is increasing.
  • There is a growing sensitivity to the "feelings" in our treatment of / relationships with domestic and wild animals.
  • There is a greater openness to speak about formerly "taboo" topics -- for ourselves and society -- suicide, alcoholism, therapy, rape, addictions, our age, cancer, Alzheimer's, abortion.
  • A growing challenge in the USA to violations of international laws/treaties and bit-by-bit violations of civil rights and Constitutional provisions by Congress and our leadership.
  • Our civic and international challenge to USA imperialism, censorship, torture.
  • More accent on urban civic art -- fountains, grass, murals, park spaces by citizen action, construction regulations, community action, philanthropy.
  • Increase in mass transit support and use, more biking, altered car usage.
  • Wider training, acquaintance with, usage of nonviolent philosophy and methods to pressure for changes in social patterns, government changes, movements for social change; condemnation of violence as means to ends.
  • Nobel prizes for peace being given to "activists" more often to aid their endeavors in timely ways -- Rigoberta Menchu, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, etc. and to women change-agents -- Iranian attorney, Kenyan forest renewals.
  • Diversity increasing in many Western countries, resulting from accepting refugees of former colonies; and as result of our wars -- Somalis, Hmong, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Latin Americans from wars we supported.
  • Formal apologies by Australia and Canada to their indigenous peoples for the long mistreatment of them. (Not USA yet!)
  • Formal apologies for slavery practice and conditions by Virginia and other southern states / communities.
  • Gay-lesbian issues, same-sex marriage & related aspects are being recognized in the US on the basis of equal rights (Massachusetts, Connecticut, California).
  • Nelson Mandela has been removed recently from the USA roster of "terrorists."
  • Instant Runoff Voting is gaining recognition as a more democratic & economical way to secure "majority support" in contests with multiple candidates, when no one has secured 50% of the vote.

More recent changes for the better to follow in Part Two. Versions of this article have previously appeared in the North Country Peace Builder (November, 2008) and the newsletter of the Twin Cities Friends Meeting (January, 2009).

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